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A short insight into regenerative medicine

A short insight into regenerative medicine

A short insight into regenerative medicine


Human genome altering plays a big role in the research and development of regenerative medication, a branch of medicine. Regenerative medication involves the process of replacing, engineering, or regenerating human or animal cells, tissues or organs to establish their normal function with the application of biotechnology. Reliance on transplantations could be reduced by regenerating tissues in patients who suffer from loss of any organ and tissue through any disease and injury. Both chronic diseases and acute diseases could be treated this way. To advance regenerative medicine as a field, many issues have to be taken into consideration. The inherited genetic diseases can also be treated with regenerative medicine, i.e. with the help of somatic cells editing; whereas, human germline genome altering has a lot of logical, restorative, and moral possibilities. Scientific societies like the American Society of Human Genetics (ASHG) provides substantial thoughts and justification to genome altering but yet it is not developed enough to consider it in a translational way because it involves the genetic manipulation of human reproductive cells with which heritable changes can occur. Our scientific community must focus on empowering moral and social thoughts paired with fundamental scientific research in the upcoming years for the advancement and application of regenerative medication, which has a potential impact on health care.

Keywords: Regenerative medicine, Stem cells, Advancement, Genome, Germline, Tissues, Organs, Diseased, Injury, Gene editing, Heredity

Image source:
Stem cells in vial by Amaregenmed, available under Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International at

Manali singh. A short insight into regenerative medicine. The Torch. 2020. 1 (3).
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